Category: Uncategorized

  • Sonos meets Plex

    Sonos meets Plex

    For the longest time we used to use XBMC Kodi, but a year ago we moved our media management at home over to the Plex ecosystem. This allows me to store all our content on a private server and then stream to any device that I wish. Up until recently this has been various iOS…

  • Jack Garratt – Phase

    Jack Garratt – Phase

    New album released today by Jack Garratt. Give it a listen. I will be definitely (assuming he is there) going to go see him at Glastonbury.

  • Netzwerk – Klangkarussell

    Netzwerk – Klangkarussell

    This is my current favourite album to listen to during the work day…

  • Large scale Drupal project guide

    This is a really good guide to building a large scale Drupal website.

  • Vine magic

    This has to be probably the best vine magic [ video editing ] that I have seen yet.

  • puPHPet

    Just came across this site to help you build a Vagrant LAMP stack really easily.  Check the options that you want, download the file, and vagrant up

  • The Band Company

    If you are after a band for your event, be it Wedding, Graduation, Prom, Christmas Party, or a good old fashioned knees-up, then I highly recommend you check out the fine people at The Band Company. They offer an excellent service for all your live music needs in Kent & Sussex.

  • New Site

    I have been working on a new site for some friends who are heading off to go skiing for 6 months renting GoPro’s to fellow snow goers check them out at

  • Name the Tube Stations

    Can you name all the tube stations in this image? Leave your answers below. I will get you started with Marble Arch.

  • Cool particle/flame effect using canvas