Tag: wordpress
Ordering WordPress taxonomies
I came across an issue the other day when I was working on The Band Company website that required me to order a taxonomy numerically. The issue was, that even though the items that I was ordering were numbers, they were being ordered alphabetically. This is what I did to solve the issue.
Life’s too short
I don’t know if it’s that I’m now sat on a train for too long each day and it’s allowing me to think too much, or that I’m just fast approaching that age where you turn grumpy, but recently I’ve started to think that life is too short. Just because you can do something doesn’t…
Theming WordPress using Thematic and Compass
Recently I have started to play with making my own themes for WordPress. Rather than start from the ground and reinvent the wheel, I decided to use a base theme which I can then extend. I also opted to use the brilliant Compass css framework to speed up development. Im going to talk about how…
Theming WordPress whilst using Compass and SASS
I just wanted to point to a brilliant article by Technosailor about theming wordpress whilst using SASS and Compass. Check it out. As someone just venturing into the Compass/SASS arena, I found it really helpfull.
WordPress network on Dreamhost
Recently I have started deploying more and more versions of the WordPress code base for different projects that I have been working on, and a couple of them have been network (multisite) installs. For those who dont know what a multisite install is, well it allows you to run several instances of wordpress off a…