A personal blog of Simon Yeldon
Mesmerising marble video
Just watched this, utterly mesmerising. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NJ7Fr6VrPU]
Epic Tron inspired dance routine
Just seen this, wow. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvvCR-o4PEA]
What is DNS?
If you ignore the obvious sales tactics, and the political commentary (although very valid) this is a really good video for understanding what DNS actually is.
Developer Happiness: The Etsy way
I just wanted to link you into this video from Etsy. Well worth a watch. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22EECFEk9Xs]
Backbone patterns
http://ricostacruz.com/backbone-patterns/ A collection of the best patterns to use when developing with Backbone.js
Best way to test email
One thing that can be difficult to test is email, get it wrong and at worst you can end up sending confusing and misleading emails to your clients. Its easy to get a webserver and a local copy of the database set up, but what about a local email server. One approach is to create…
Debugging PHP, with breakpoints!
One thing that I have always disliked about PHP development was the seemingly difficult debugging process that came along with it. The fact that you would save a file, and then have to open it in the browser to see what’s going on – sometimes to random results. There was none of the usual ability to step…
A look inside mobile design patterns
All change
I just wanted to write a quick post saying that I am starting a new job at Group NBT. I’ve managed, despite the snow, to make it in on public transport fine. I don’t know [yet] what all these people are moaning about. I’m currently sat in a coffee shop opposite, as I don’t start…
SOPA Blackout
This site will be joining in on the SOPA Blackout on the 18th Jan. If you are reading this from America, I urge you to please contact your representative about this awful bill.
Got any book recommendations?