Category: Web

  • Epic Tron inspired dance routine

    Just seen this, wow. [youtube]

  • Developer Happiness: The Etsy way

    I just wanted to link you into this video from Etsy.  Well worth a watch. [youtube]

  • Debugging PHP, with breakpoints!

    One thing that I have always disliked about PHP development was the seemingly difficult debugging process that came along with it.  The fact that you would save a file, and then have to open it in the browser to see what’s going on – sometimes to random results.  There was none of the usual ability to step…

  • SOPA Blackout

    This site will be joining in on the SOPA Blackout on the 18th Jan. If you are reading this from America, I urge you to please contact your representative about this awful bill.

  • Post from twitter to a facebook page

    Recently I have been improving my parents website over at Yeldon Wedding Hire.  One of the things that I have been doing is setting up a social media campaign by setting them up a facebook page, a Google+ page, and a twitter feed.  To make the different social channels look like they are being used and updated…

  • Theming WordPress whilst using Compass and SASS

    I just wanted to point to a brilliant article by Technosailor about theming wordpress whilst using SASS and Compass. Check it out. As someone just venturing into the Compass/SASS arena, I found it really helpfull.

  • Who needs iCloud?

    There have been a lot of people talking about how great the new Apple iCloud is going to be, and whilst I agree that it will be useful, it is nothing new. Also, if you have an older phone (like me) you wont be able to benefit from it as apple are no longer getting…