Category: Wordpress

  • Bootstrap Shortcodes

    Bootstrap Shortcodes

    Just a bit of self promotion… Introducing Bootstrap-3-shortcodes. Something that I have been working on in my spare time has finally made its way onto the WordPress Plugin repository.  The plugin provides a load of shortcodes to help you style your wordpress site using the bootstrap components. It assumes that you are using a base…

  • Ordering WordPress taxonomies

    I came across an issue the other day when I was working on The Band Company website that required me to order a taxonomy numerically.  The issue was, that even though the items that I was ordering were numbers, they were being ordered alphabetically.  This is what I did to solve the issue.

  • Theming WordPress using Thematic and Compass

    Theming WordPress using Thematic and Compass

    Recently I have started to play with making my own themes for WordPress. Rather than start from the ground and reinvent the wheel, I decided to use a base theme which I can then extend. I also opted to use the brilliant Compass css framework to speed up development. Im going to talk about how…

  • WordPress network on Dreamhost

    WordPress network on Dreamhost

    Recently I have started deploying more and more versions of the WordPress code base for different projects that I have been working on, and a couple of them have been network (multisite) installs.  For those who dont know what a multisite install is, well it allows you to run several instances of wordpress off a…